Further details have been announced for a Parish event to commemorate the 80th anniversay of the D-Day landings. As part of a large series of nationwide events the Chieveley Beacon will be lit on Thursday 6th June in celebration of the ‘light of peace’ that emerged out of the darkness of war.

D-Day Poster

Downland villagers are warmly invited to assemble at the Parish Beacon on Chieveley Recreation Ground from 8.00pm.

Bring (or buy*) your supper, table and chairs and enjoy this community event:

The programme of events will be as follows:

  • 8.00pm - Assemble at the Recreation Centre
  • 8.50pm - A piper will play
  • 9.10pm - Reading of the International Tribute
  • 9.15pm - Lighting of the Parish beacon

*Off the Scale mobile Fish & Chips will be in attendance from 8pm

The event is kindly sponsored by Chieveley Parish Council.