About the Friends

The parish church of St Mary the Virgin, Chieveley, dates from early in the 13th century and is still in regular use as a place of worship. But time and weather have no respect for ancient buildings.

Every year, a substantial amount is needed to keep the structure and the grounds in good repair and to ensure that they are preserved for future generations.

The Friends of Chieveley Church was set up to help preserve and improve this ancient building and its grounds. We are a Registered Charity (no. 1103296). Anyone with an interest in this wonderful part of our local heritage can become a member whether or not they go to church. 

What the Friends do

The Friends raise funds to help maintain and improve the church and churchyard, and have provided financial support for:

  • Replacement bell ropes
  • Floor tile repairs
  • Housing for church clock
  • Replacement lead on the church tower roof
  • Repair and maintenance of the church guttering
  • New gates and fencing
  • A new boiler
  • Rewiring of the upper rooms
  • Removal of diseased trees and purchase of new oaks
  • Refurbishment of the toilet

We also hold events aimed at helping confirm the church as a centre of our community, which have included:

  • Daffodil and snowdrop bulb planting
  • Siting birdboxes in churchyard
  • Churchyard barbecues, a concert and family events
  • Chieveley church sampler lecture
  • Church tower visits
  • Photographic competitions
  • War memorial exhibition
  • Photographic Exhibition to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday, with photos of Chieveley and its people over the last 90 years.

Our members

We have approximately 100 members of all ages from Chieveley, former residents and people with other connections with the village.  

Meetings for members

Our AGM is held each spring in St Mary's and all members are warmly invited to come and hear about our fund-raising, spending and social and educational activities.

How can I join?

The Membership of the Friends of Chieveley Church is open to anyone who makes an annual donation of £10 or more. Companies, societies or other groups may become corporate members for £25 or more per year. Annual subscriptions, (preferably paid by Banker's Order to save time and expense) will ensure that your name appears on the "list of the Friends of Chieveley Church," which is revised each year, and that you are kept informed of the Friends' activities.

Download the membership form, standing order instruction or see our leaflet, complete and mail to

Mr Chris Armitage,
Hon. Treasurer FCC
Sowbury House
High Street
RG20 8UR

Subscriptions, donations and legacies

Any sums that are given to the Friends of Chieveley Church will be used solely to maintain the church buildings and grounds or used to advance the education of the public into the history and architecture of the church.

You may prefer to make a single donation to the Friends, either now or at a later date. We are always grateful for such donations. Perhaps you would consider leaving a legacy to support the Friends of Chieveley Church as part of your will?